WASP.ed Wellbeing Family Counselling & Psychotherapy in Glasgow

Integrative/Adlerian Psychotherapy and Counselling

An Adlerian Approach to Family Counselling

What usually happens?

Following an individual assessment or an assessment of a child/young person in the family, if the decision is made to proceed with sessions, I will see the client(s) either long to medium term or for an agreed time period for counselling or psychotherapy. Each time frame includes periodic reviews.

The aim is for clients to take stock of life, alleviate distress, confusion, uncertainty and stress, enabling a deepening of self-understanding, freedom, a rediscovery of their resourcefullness and to make positive relationship changes.

Each form of counselling or psychotherapy in Glasgow or the Falkirk area (I am nolonger providing Family Counselling in the Falkirk Area) also brings about feelings of connection, capability, courage, and interest in others, thereby impacting positively on key relationships.

What about when we meet for the first time?

When clients; adult, child or young person, come on their first appointment they often feel nervous and wonder what to expect. The first meeting is a two way process. It is when the person or family are able to decide if I am someone they could work with. It is also an opportunity for me to discover whether I feel I am the best person to support them and a time to give out my written agreement so that it can be taken away and read at leisure to see if it best suits requirements.

What does family counselling mean?

  • The family working as a team
  • Understanding self and others
  • Making positive changes
  • Learning to cooperate more
  • Child/young person contributing more fully to family life
  • Taking responsibility for self
  • Becoming the person you want to be
  • Understanding what unhelpful behaviour is about
  • Using strengths helpfully/constructively
  • Sharing joint responsibilities
  • Parents learning the importance of caring for themselves and their relationship(s)
  • Family life becoming less stressful and more rewarding

    What about when you practise counselling or psychotherapy with a child or young person?

    I always assess children and young people within their family. Parents together with the children and young people decide who is to attend for counselling or psychotherapy. I provide a range of activities that support children and young people to express themselves without words in a ways that are more natural to them. Sometimes this way of working suits adults too.

    In what areas do you support an adult, child or young person for counselling and psychotherapy?

  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Overwhelming Anger
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Self-harm
  • Addictions
  • Eating disorders
  • Stress
  • Childhood challenges and conditions

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